The Facebook & Instagram Merge is on Desktop

We don’t like it, yet!

We posted last week that a few of our pages were now merged with Instagram for messaging and commenting in one place. This was only on mobile but yesterday we noticed it’s started merging on desktop too. We don’t like it yet. It’s a mixture between us not being used to it and there’s a few things that just don’t make sense to us.

What it looks like:

As you can see it’s basically your Facebook messages and notifications in the same place as your Instagram messages and notifications. It’s definitely a step in the right direction.

What we don’t like:

So far we don’t like the change from ‘undread’ to inbox. If you’ve read a message you have to mark it as ‘done’ which moves it into the done folder. However so far if a person responds after you’ve marked the conversation as done, the message still stays in the done folder so you may not see it. Hopefully this will be fixed.



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