What should I post at the weekend?

This is very dependant on the type of business you are posting content for. If your busy days are at the weekends then of course you need to be posting content over the weekend. But if your company are 9-5 Monday to Friday then posting at the weekend is different.

Friday Fun Day

Here at SMR Social we have what we call Friday Fun Day. It basically means that on Friday’s we look for fun content to post out to all out client’s social media pages, to stay in line with the Friday Feeling that their customers/audiences will be having. If your audience are in a fun mood, ready to let some steam off at the weekend then you don’t want to be pushing products or serious information in front of them because they’ll just scroll on past until they see those ‘ready for the weekend’ selfies that their friends are posting. If you can’t beat them, join them! Post something fun that will ADD to their current mood, rather than takeaway form it.

But I use my weekend to relax…

Trust us, we understand! We work really hard here at SMR Social managing all of our client’s social media accounts, so down time is important to us to re-charge our batteries. The majority of our client’s don’t need NEW content to go out over the weekends, as most things are happening for them during the week. we have 2 ways that work very well that enable us to have most weekends off to rest:

  1. Schedule some general content for the weekends so that your pages are updated, but you make the posts during the week. Yes, this is an obvious one.
  2. Make your Friday Fun Day post a post that works for the whole weekend! This way when you update your ads on Friday (which you should be doing) you can leave them running over the weekend and your Friday post can be served up to new people all weekend and still make sense. So for example if your post was something like “We’ve got that Friday Feeling!” you should change it to “We’ve got that Weekend Feeling!” so that it makes sense all weekend.



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