Wow, what an amazing month May has been for us!

May has seen us finish some fantastic projects, like raising awareness about child health concerns in the parents of Liverpool to launching an incredibly luxurious fashion brand. As well as finishing these projects we’ve started some more exciting projects too, such as helping people living in social housing to get problems with their houses fixed and a new social enterprise helping children through cooking. All of these projects are using Facebook ads to grow, and it’s brilliant.

So what happened to your daily blog?

Well you guessed it. We’ve just been so busy with our work for clients that the blog had to take a back seat. There just haven’t been enough hours in the day for us to jump on here and give you the latest news and updates around social media marketing. For SMR Social the client comes first, so if we need to spend more time on the work we’re doing for our clients then that takes priority.

When will you be back?

Don’t worry! We won’t be gone for much longer! The bank holiday weekend starts tomorrow and we’ve got a really exciting wedding to go to on Monday. But after that we’re hoping to be all caught up and able to find time to get back to daily blogging. So see you soon!



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